
海德罗伊斯学校(“学校”)致力于保护您的隐私. 本隐私声明适用于学校的网站和互联网设施, 包括但不限于, the School’s email services and on-line enrollment and related information in-take forms and authorizations. 本私隐声明规管资料收集, 个人身份信息的使用和共享. 通过使用学校的网站和互联网设施, 您同意本隐私声明中为您自己所述的数据惯例, 还有你的辅修学生, 如果你是学生的家长, 法定监护人, 或者授权管理员.


学校收集个人身份信息, including but not limited to: (1) first and last 名字s; (2) home or other physical addresses; (3) email addresses; (4) tele电话 numbers; (5) social security numbers; (6) information contained in emails and texts; (7) test results, 评估, 成绩, educational and disciplinary records; (8) health, 医疗, and insurance information; (9) biometric data; (10) information about disabilities; (11) socioeconomic and financial information; (12) special education data; (11) juvenile dependency records; and (12) electronic or digital messages, 录音, 文档, 和照片 .

学校网站或互联网设施的注册用户可以查看, request changes to or removal of personally identifiable information maintained by the School by using one of the Contact addresses shown at the end of this Privacy Statement. Requests for removal of personally identifiable information do not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of content or information, particularly where it: (1) must be maintained by law; (2) was obtained from sources other than the registered 使用r; or (3) is not visible to other 使用rs and the public, 即使它以某种形式保留在学校的服务器或互联网设施上. 我们努力在30天内对此类请求作出回应.

学院还收集匿名的人口统计信息, 哪些不是你或你的学生所独有的, 比如偏好和兴趣. There is also information about 使用r computer hardware and software that is automatically collected by the School. 这些信息包括:IP地址, 浏览器类型, 域名, 访问时间和参考网站地址.


电子邮件地址可能会被用来向您或您的学生发送信息, 回复查询, 和/或其他要求或问题. We 使用 personally identifiable information pertaining to you and your student in furtherance of the School’s K-12 purposes. We may provide all or part of the personally identifiable information described above to third parties in circumstances where we believe that doing so is necessary or appropriate to: satisfy any applicable law, 监管, legal process or lawful governmental request; detect, 防止或以其他方式解决欺诈, security or technical issues; or protect the rights, 我们的财产和安全, 我们的用户或其他人.

The School publishes nine print publications each year for distribution within the greater School community, 包括校友, 家庭, 朋友和捐助者. Photographs of students identified with first and last 名字s may be featured in these publications. 除了, the School may publish digital or electronic photographs or video on the School’s web site (which will be identified only with student first 名字s). 考虑到招生情况, 父母, 监护人, 18岁以上的学生授予学校不可撤销的权利, 使用, 发布自己和学生的照片和视频, 除非父母, 《外围足球的app》, or student over age 18 gives written notice to the School prior to publication by using one of the Contact addresses shown at the end of this Privacy Statement, 至于印刷出版物, 此类书面通知必须在适用的出版截止日期之前送达.


We take reasonable precautions to protect personally identifiable information collected by the School against unauthorized access and illegal 使用 or disclosure. The School’s contract service providers for the School’s web site and Internet facilities follow generally accepted standards, 安全措施和程序,并没有授权访问, 使用, or disclose covered information for any purpose other than providing web site and Internet services to the School.

The School is not responsible for information contained in posts made by 使用rs in on-line forums or comment areas, 博客, 或学校网站或互联网设施的其他公众可访问区域.


cookie是存储在计算机上的小文件. We 使用 cookies to understand and save your preferences for future visits and compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future. cookie可能由学校以外的组织设置. 这些“第三方cookie”可能, 例如, 源自YouTube等网站, 推特, 脸谱网, Google Plus or other social media services for which the School has implemented “plug-ins” for its web site and Internet facilities. 因为这些其他网站的cookie政策会随着时间的推移而改变, you should determine their policies by examining the privacy policy pages of these other sites.


我们也可能收集有关电脑的非个人身份信息, mobile device or other devices 使用d to access the School’s web site and Internet facilities, 例如IP地址, 地理位置信息, 唯一设备标识符, 浏览器类型, 浏览器语言或其他此类信息. 我们以汇总方式使用这些信息来跟踪对海德罗伊斯的访问.org. 在任何时候,我们都不会通过个人IP地址披露网站的使用情况. Web服务器日志被临时保留,然后从我们的系统中删除.

我们的网站可能包含指向由他人维护或控制的网站的超链接. 学校不负责也不例行筛选, 批准, review or endorse the contents of or 使用 of any of the products or services that may be offered at these other websites. 学校不担保, 并在此放弃任何保证, 明示或暗示, 足球外围平台精度, 任何网站的充分性或完整性, 信息:从站点获得的信息, 或链接到一个网站. 学校不担保 that sites will operate in an uninterrupted or error-free manner or that sites are free of vir使用s or other harmful components. 使用从这些网站或通过这些网站获得的信息的风险由您自行承担.


我们不会分享, sell or authorize any third party to 使用 your email address for commercial purposes without your permission. 如果你给我们发电子邮件, you should be aware that information disclosed in email may not be secure or encrypted and thus may be accessible by others. We suggest that you exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personal or confidential information in email. 我们将使用您的电子邮件地址直接回复您的问题或意见.


这个标志, 名字 and all graphics or original content 使用d on or in the School’s web site and Internet facilities are the service marks, 贸易名称, 商标, 受版权保护的材料, 或其他学校的知识产权. 使用, 繁殖, 复制或重新分配这些标志, 名字, 受版权保护的材料, or intellectual property without the written permission of the Head of the School is prohibited. 所有其他标记、名称等. 出现在学校的网站是其各自所有者的财产.


如果你使用学校的网站和互联网设施, 您有责任对您的帐户和密码保密, 如果有任何, 并限制访问您的计算机. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account and password. If you are under 18, you may purchase products or services only through a parent or 《外围足球的app》. You agree that billing and registration information you provide on the site will be accurate and complete. 学校保留拒绝服务的权利, 终止帐户, 删除或编辑内容, 或取消订单,由学院自行决定.


The School will periodically update and change this Privacy Statement and reserves the right to make changes without prior notice. 学校通过修改本隐私声明来通知用户变更. The School encourages you to periodically review the Privacy Statement to be informed of updates and changes.


学校欢迎您对本私隐声明提出意见. 如果您希望提供意见或认为学校没有遵守本声明, 请通过电子邮件足球外围平台 communications@bomabearing.com 或邮寄至:The 外围足球的app, ATTN. 通信部门.林肯大道4315号.加州奥克兰94602.
